I really need to write on this blog more often

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
With the new changes to Facebook, I think it is way past time I start writing on this here blog some more.  For some reason, I always forget about it.  I've promised before to write more, but I haven't kept to that, but I really am going to try this time.  I guess I'm just afraid that everyone will just find it boring - it's not like I have the most super exciting life or anything.  You'll probably be all...

I keep busy with my daughter's and their activities.  I also work full time and so I'm constantly trying to balance, work, my personal life and writing.  It can get pretty crazy to be honest, fortunately, I have an awesome husband who is an amazing father and he is there every step of the way, often times, doing what he can to give me time to write, etc.  So, while my posts may not always be super exciting, they will be a peek into my life and perhaps you can get to know me better through them.  If you want to :)  Some of them will likely contain lots of Supernatural gifs like these because well... I love the show, can't get enough of Sam, Dean and Castiel, and because they're....

Of course, all book news will be posted here as well.  Right now, I'm really busy writing Whispering Wishes.  This romantic comedy is a lot of fun and ideas will come to me that just make me laugh so much.  I really hope they make you laugh too when you read it!  I hope to start having little teasers as I write it here and there.

So tell me, what kind of things do you like to read on author's blogs?  Are there certain topics that you prefer or that you like to see?  I would love to hear from you! 

I hope you all have a great day!  I will be back soon, and in the mean time, did you tune into the first Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon's last night?  This part, had me cracking up!



Unknown said...

I like the insight into your life and it's good to know that I'm not the only one trying to balance everything. I like to see updates on books, signnings, those kinds of things on authors blogs. Also, if you have any time to read other books any reccommendations you have. Also, keep up the Supernatural GIFs they make me smile and laugh. :)

I laughed so hard at the Jimmy Fallon/Will Smith thing. My husband shook his head because he used to do more than half of those dances (and he could do/claims he still could do "that leg thing that no one can do").

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